Paddling the Cuckmere river with the Kayak Coach
date_range | Date | 22-09-2018 |
copyright | Copyright | Daniel Wildey Photography |
photo_camera | Photographer | Daniel Wildey |
person_outline | Credit | Daniel Wildey |
Other info
exposure | Exposure | 1/1250 |
camera | F Stop | 5.6 |
filter_center_focus | Focal length | 40.0 mm |
exposure | ISO | 400 |
photo_size_select_large | Dimensions | 5790x3865 |
Tags: Water, Boat, Boats and boating--Equipment and supplies, Whitewater kayaking, Lake, Canoe, Lifejacket, Paddle, Recreation, Kayak
Categories: Bright, Summer, Sunny, Attractions, People, River / Stream / Lake, Sports / Recreation