Taking a picture to capture the view at Robin Hood's Bay, North York Moors National Park
date_range | Date | 10-09-2020 |
copyright | Copyright | NPUK |
photo_camera | Photographer | VisitBritain |
person_outline | Credit | VisitBritain |
Other info
exposure | Exposure | 1/250 |
camera | F Stop | 7.1 |
filter_center_focus | Focal length | 50.0 mm |
exposure | ISO | 400 |
photo_size_select_large | Dimensions | 5615x3743 |
Tags: robin hood's bay, coast, north york moors, north york moors national park, picture, Camera, smiles, cliffs, sea, Village, coastal village, cleveland way, national trail
Categories: Autumn, Bright, Cloudy, Sunny, Get outdoors, Great Views, People, Sea / Seaside, Sports / Recreation, Tourism, Towns and Villages, Walking / Hiking